When you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t – you are right! (Henry Ford) It is another one of those self-fulfilling prophesies. Start NOW to become aware of saying you can’t do something. Is it because you believe you can’t or because you won’t do something? Well if you won’t then you won’t and just drop it. If you think you can’t – then how can you change this to can? You can choose! You can choose to set goals that are achievable and realistic and GO FOR IT! For example: You say you can’t lose 20 pounds – can you lose 1 pound a week maybe 2 pounds a week? You say you can’t stop smoking – can you choose to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a day by one maybe two? I can’t ask for a raise – can you put a proposal together as to why you deserve a raise? BE efficient and drop the not / n’t – YOU CAN DO IT! Choose!